Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Covid-19 Silver Lining & Self-Work
My friend posted the following opinion piece to social media. I'm copying and pasting it here and also will provide a link:
easy to forget, but we have some pretty serious traumas in our very
recent history. Just in the last 100 years we had two world wars, the
cold war, the Vietnam war and 9/11 (plus all the other violence,
environmental distress and genocide going on in the world today). Until
very recently when science began the study of epigenetics, we have had
very little understanding of how trauma can be passed down from
generation to generation and how it manifests itself as disease in the
body if left unaddressed for too long. Epidemics
like the Coronavirus are a very serious invitation for us to look at
the emotional material that is surfacing as more and more “war like”
conditions surround us (borders closing, mandatory quarantines, the
potential of martial law, etc.). My German grandmother — a WWII survivor
— never had the opportunity to consciously process the trauma of her
experience which means that if we believe energy is neither created nor
destroyed, only transformed — either my mother, myself or my children
will eventually have to consciously transform that energy and break the
What Psychedelics Told Me About The Coronavirus
An Empowering Message to Humanity from Ayahuasca
matter how complex a question I may have, when I take it to
psychedelics I always receive an answer. So when the Coronavirus
pandemic kicked into high gear, I brought the subject to my trusted
mentor Ayahuasca to be illuminated.
is an ancient shamanic plant medicine technology, consisting of 3
simple ingredients: a vine, a leaf and water. The ensuing brew is
consumed in a ceremonial context, and commonly referred to as “the
the visionary state, downloads around COVID-19 began pouring in and it
all began with the humble teachings of a tiny little insect known as the
Did you know that a caterpillar will consume up to 300 times its body weight per day before entering the cocoon?
share this fun fact because, as the medicine showed me, we have reached
a moment in our human evolution where the clumsy, dense, survival
obsessed caterpillar stage of our collective human consciousness must
finally stop mindlessly consuming and surrender to the chrysalis, in
which everything it has known itself to be dissolves into mush.
Welcome to the “Corona Cocoon.”
We are in the disintegration stage now where all the magic happens and
the next chapter of our human experience can transition into the era of
the butterfly; a being that is light, free, empirically exquisite and in
service to others (pollinators).
Let me illuminate how this is far more than a nifty metaphor.
of crisis bring a tremendous opportunity because there is a “pattern
interrupt” to our collective, habitual ways of operating, most of which
are heavily anchored in excessive consumerism, distraction and a
relationship to productivity so unsustainable it has become violent,
both to our own minds, bodies and spirits, as well as to the mind, body
and spirit of our Earth. Which is — surprise surprise — a sentient being
as well and has its own consciousness.
The Coronavirus is the great equalizer.
the pause button on the rat race is pressed and so many things we take
for granted suddenly withheld, the opportunity in the apocalypse reveals
itself to those who are willing to detach from the panic enough to
actually listen to a deeper truth that is emerging from the wreckage.
I dive into what that truth is for me (and of course, this is all my
perception and by no means empirical fact), I must first share the
fundamental framework of my lens on reality, so the following statements
have context.
the arena of personal development — an industry which I am very much a
part of — there is a term called “shadow work” that is very important to
baseline world view here is that everything in our reality exists
because of a complex interplay between light and shadow, thus creating a
vast field of polarity in which consciousness can manifest itself.
Through an esoteric lens this interplay is captured by the Ying Yang
symbol, which exemplifies that each polarity contains within it a speck
of its opposite. From a quantum physics perspective we can explain the
same phenomenon through the language of vibration, of frequency. We can
measure the amount of light particles contained within each frequency.
The “lighter” or “higher” the frequency, the faster the oscillation, the
more information or light is contained within it. The “darker” or
“denser” the frequency, the slower the oscillation, the less light is
contained within it.
we in our culture have generally deemed the light to be “good” and the
shadow “evil” (just watch any Hollywood movie ever, it’s always about
“good vs evil”), neither are actually superior or inferior, they are
simply expressions of duality itself and give birth to the very nature
of our human existence. Yet our judgment of these
forces — which exist on the macro-level of the Universe as well the
micro-level within each individual human being — has condemned the
shadow to such a degree that it has become repressed, and therefore
dangerous — for any force that is repressed long enough will eventually
erupt — like a geyser under pressure — with equal intensity to restore
work” is the voluntary examination of one’s own internal darkness, or —
to put it in more psychological terms — the excavation of our
subconscious — which lacks the light of our conscious awareness and is
therefore hidden from view.
human beings on the planet have no concept of “shadow work,” and even
those who do may not have the courage to voluntarily look into the dark
crevices of their own psyche. Repressed traumas, inherited fear
programs, undigested pain and all sorts of other disturbing and
uncomfortable revelations lie buried there, represented by the
metaphorical “boogie man” of our collective human unconsciousness.
And yet — no matter how much we ignore, reject and deny the shadow — it never disappears. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The very fear that keeps us from looking at it, is the same fear that feeds it.
believe, times like these are a collective wake up call to actively
participate in our shadow work or be swept away by the darkness once and
for all.
The Coronavirus is simply the trigger to force us into being with what has been there all along.
As a wave of fear permeates the collective, the shadow we’ve repressed
for generations can no longer be ignored. Until right now, we didn’t
have external circumstances dire enough to bring it to the surface. And
now that it’s here, we stand at a crossroads.
time I participate in a psychedelic experience — and especially when
working with Ayahuasca — I am confronted with the same question:
Do I succumb to the current operating system of “victim consciousness”? Or do I claim my “creator consciousness”?
VICTIM CONSCIOUSNESS says, “I have no or very little personal power. I am at the whim of my external reality and things are happening to me
beyond my control. My fear based Ego must cling to any semblance of
control it can find in order to ensure its survival, and fight for that
control at all costs. I project blame externally, refusing to take
responsibility for my reality.”
says, “I am infinitely powerful, precisely because I am ready to
relinquish my false sense of control and trust in the greater
intelligence of life (and death) itself. Everything I experience —
pleasant or not — is a result of some form of conscious or subconscious
co-creation. It is through taking full responsibility for my experience
that I liberate myself from victimhood.”
at this stage of the game each individual human being is confronted
with the decision of which operating system to run. One is based in
fear, the other in love.
narrative we choose to focus on moving forward will significantly
impact the quality of our human life moving forward. What a ripe
opportunity for massive transformation! The stakes have never been this
Congratulations everyone. We are officially in the cocoon.
Before I illuminate both the gifts of LIGHT and the gifts of SHADOW
available within the “Corona Cocoon,” I want to say to anyone who has
had a loved one transition due to the Coronavirus, my heart goes out to
you. I sincerely hope that my perspectives on the situation don’t in any
way demean the pain of your loss. I also recognize that it may feel
almost impossible for many reading this to understand how this
devastating event could have a major silver lining, and that’s okay. I’m
not trying to convince anyone of anything.
intention is solely to share my perspective in order to support you in
making an internal choice that can have a lasting impact far beyond this
pandemic — which could end up being the most profoundly valuable thing
that has ever happened to you in your life. Again, it’s all up to you to
decide what you do with the information.
Earth is activating her defense mechanisms and — like a stern mother —
putting our insolent asses in time out, so we may come face to face with
the very thing we have been avoiding for so long: Our mortality. This
is also known as “being grounded.”
not just talking about being forced to confront the inevitable death of
our physical bodies, but also the death of our comfort zones, the death
of our false sense of security in regards to finances, food supply,
health care, government and international affairs.
is really — at its core — the fear of the unknown. This is why those
who are doing authentic spiritual work are going to be less affected by a
crisis like the Coronavirus. If you’ve experienced yourself beyond the
physical dimension and connected to the infinite aspect of your
consciousness that will continue to exist long after your body has
deceased, there is no reason to fear death.
Coronavirus — an “invisible” threat — confronts us with our
relationship to the spiritual realms, which we cannot navigate with our
five senses.
Every time we open our Amazon boxes to pull out the next bulk order of toilet paper while wondering if the cardboard is contaminated, we are quietly confronted with the mystery of the invisible, unknown nature of reality.
our mortality is also an access point into more deeply understanding
the biologically ingrained survival mechanisms that run so much of our
day to day lives. Truth is, the vast majority of humans — regardless of
income bracket — do not feel safe and secure in the world, and are
plagued by anxiety and stress because of it.
it amazing that death — an initiation every single human being must
face eventually — is so taboo in our culture? No wonder we ignore and
suppress this fact, when nothing in our modern education systems
addresses the subject even in the slightest to prepare us for it.
Indigenous cultures create elaborate rites of passage for their youth to
confront and even embrace the reality of death, so they may be free
from the fear of it. Rituals around death were and are commonplace,
necessary initiations in ancient cultures. We have lost these ways.
Today, our fear of death has tampon commercials showing period blood as
blue instead of red, so we don’t have to face the truth. We can’t even
connect to the death of the animals we consume in such copious
quantities. Meat products are neatly shrink wrapped and disguised with
names like “hot dogs” and “burgers” so we don’t have to think about the
reality of the sacrifices we so casually pull off the grocery shelf
while scrolling through our instagram feed. There is no more tangible
connection to the cycles of life and death that occur in the natural
world, and that connection is now ready to re-awaken, bringing with it
the hard yet sweet realization that:
Nothing is guaranteed.
we truly embrace the truth that we are all going to die, that life is a
profound gift and each breath is a privilege — every moment becomes
infinitely precious.
the ancient, shamanic healing tradition of Ayahuasca the purge is a
very sacred and crucial component to “getting well.” Fighting the purge
is hell. Relaxing into the purge, truly surrendering to it, that is the
see trauma as a zip file of information, which contains valuable
lessons within it. Unpacking it might feel like trying to diffuse a very
dangerous bomb, but if I can truly trust that the trauma is here to
serve a greater purpose and my only job is to be brave enough to really
feel it fully once and for all, the suffering disappears and only gifts
remain. I believe the remnants of the collective trauma that we’ve
acquired in our human history is now ready to be purged and transmuted,
and so it makes sense that we would subconsciously evoke conditions
similar to those that created the trauma in the first place. Only this
time, instead of having to go to the front lines and fight in battle, we
get to do the inner work in the comfort of our own homes.
is the time to look at our fears and especially our scarcity programs.
The “not enough” conversations that are happening externally in the form
of “not enough toilet paper,” “not enough supplies,” “not enough
income,” “not enough hospital beds,” “not enough flights” are an
amplified reflection of our incessant, internal scarcity conversation
that keep so many of us locked into the rat race of our modern
“The world is caught up with the non‐essential, and yet it yearns for the essential.” — Richard Rudd
a massive reset button being pushed on the financial system right now
and it is a huge opportunity to come into greater integrity with how we
generate revenue. Yes, the Coronavirus will have a devastating impact on
small and large businesses, as millions of people are laid off due to
the government ordered shut down, AND — using the example given in a
recent Wall Street Journal article of “…the entrepreneur who invested
his life in his Memphis ribs joint only to see his customers vanish in a
week…” — there was a hidden, denied truth in that business that can no
longer be ignored, which is the quality of life of the animals whose
ribs are being consumed for profit in the first place.
am not vegan, nor do I believe humans should never eat animals, but I
do believe that the lack of awareness, consideration and empathy for the
quality of life (and death) of the animals we consume requires serious
and immediate attention, and anyone who is not actively participating in
the conversation of humane treatment and sustainability while making
money off of meat or any other natural resources, will eventually be
forced to do so. Obviously not all businesses require the death of
living things, but most businesses exist to sell “inessentials,” aka
“shit we don’t need” — and so in this purge, I see a tremendous
extinction of the nonessential sweeping across our economy. How many
shipping containers full of products to stock malls and Amazon warehouse
shelves are truly enriching our human experience? This may be a very
unpopular opinion, but if a business dies because of the Coronavirus,
there is a very real possibility that:
A) It wasn’t truly providing essential value in the first place.
B) The value it was providing had an unacceptable cost to it (which was being paid for by the Earth itself), and / or…
The time for a new, potentially more omni-considerate creative idea is
ready to express itself through those involved in that business, and
it’s time to innovate and move on.
topic of sustainability also ties back into the scarcity conversation,
because if whatever job or venture we are accustomed to making a living
from suddenly disappears, perhaps it’s because a deeper purpose for our
unique skills, gifts and talents wants to emerge and only a scarcity
mindset would insist on seeing the disappearance of one opportunity as a
dead end, when in truth there are infinite ways in which each
individual can reinvent themselves. So many people work just for a
paycheck without ever stopping and asking “what value can I contribute
to the world that nourishes my soul in exchange? What is actually my
Full Fuck Yes?” This is the time to ask those questions, for finally the
distractions are removed enough for us to begin receiving an answer.
Will it be easy? Likely not, although anything is possible.
it happen overnight? No. True change takes time, repetition and
dedication. But a very real quantum leap can happen in the next few
weeks and months, and with the internet, there is no shortage of
guidance, education and tools available to anchor in a permanent,
internal shift.
is also a time where we might see unprecedented acts of generosity and
kindness amongst humans. Unlike all the other pandemics we’ve seen so
far, we are all in this one together. The opportunity for the global
human family to show up for each other right now is huge, and the joy of
both asking for as well as receiving support is available everywhere we
mother and I were talking about how the Coronavirus might affect arts
and culture, which many would argue are “inessential” to human survival
and were wiped out in Germany during WWII. The big difference today is
technology. All you need to plug into a vibrant, abundant buffet of
creativity is an internet connection and a smartphone, and within
seconds you can share your voice and tune into the hearts and minds of
the 3.5 billion human beings who are online in 2020.
survival isn’t just the physical component, we must nourish our
emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well, and right now technology
is our ally in that because it doesn’t adhere to borders, boundaries
and “shelter in place” laws. I see the Coronavirus unleashing a creative
supernova of new ideas, visions and voices as we start claiming our
capacity to Make D.O.P.E (Daring, Original, Personal, Expression) Art,
which can manifest itself as anything from writing an epic love song to
incubating a sustainable business to rearranging your pantry to reflect
back to you a healthier mindset.
Our contributions to the collective narrative can either be saturated with fear, or drenched in compassion and optimism.
Coming full circle back to the beginning of this article, now is the time to choose which operating system you will run.
you do decide to opt out of the victim consciousness and claim your
creator consciousness, know that you are signing up for a deep,
spiritual journey into the depths of yourself. The process begins with
intention. The intention to truly know yourself. To be with all aspects
of yourself, no matter how unpleasant some of them might feel. We will
require community and guidance on this journey, even though at the end
of the day, no one can do the work for us. I have compiled a list of
free resources that have been incredibly supportive on my journey for
you to tangibly begin this process, you can find them here: www.The-FFY.com/resources
profound gift in all of this? You have been given the opportunity to
see how powerful your lens on reality truly is. How much it impacts your
experience. How deeply it affects the quality of your life, and the
well being of the planet itself.
times like these, new innovations emerge and you can contribute — right
now, from the comfort of your couch — to a brighter future for
generations to come, simply by consciously choosing to look within.
Stop looking for the answer. BE the answer.
Find me on instagram @thefullfuckyes and @iazrya
read this above work aloud to my husband, who I felt, like me, needed
to receive these important, truthful messages. Moments after I finished
reading, a text arrived from my energist. She moved to Manhattan last
summer, and her synchronistic outreach was for the purpose of
encouraging her tribe to "use this time as an opportunity for
self-work." She continued to state: "So many people I know are
successfully clearing their past for a new future and are coming out
ahead. To help you, here is a free 10 minute meditation:"
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