Friday, February 29, 2008
A Casa de Alice (2007)

What's up w/McCain's face?!

I know, I know - give the man a break. He's 72, in which case one might as well write in Fidel Castro's brother for president. If American citizens of this vintage are having their driver's licenses called into question, then how could he be considered capable of being behind the wheel of our country? Hmmm ...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tragic Curiosity
Nicki used mixed media, ink and watercolor, to create what I've interpreted to be a personal editorial, depicting her living hell. Not a pleasant way to remember a person I've never known. It's quite strange though, despite being perfect strangers, her life has made such a profound and lasting impression on me.
Nicola, as she was named at birth, was the daughter of a very unlikely pair, Anthony (Tony) & Urania Petalas. While they were both full-blooded Greek, they came from very mixed family backgrounds. His family would have been considered in the old country as peasants and she haled from aristocratic stock. So their children were a blend of the two.
Nicki was the oldest of four girls, and her life is the story of
the candle which burned twice as bright but only half as long. She, a tortured soul, was only 27 when she died. Peace be with her now.
Her survivors, my other blood relatives, describe her as strikingly beautiful, quick-witted and brilliantly creative. Nicki was uber intelligent with an IQ of 168. I'm told my pleasure in writing was her gift to me, passed down to her by my maternal grandmother.
Her life's tragedy holds many lessons. Primairly it is believed she didn't feel capable of living up to people's high expectations of her. This one piece of her artwork is like a ghost, a mysterious, dark spector that continues to haunt my curiosity about the woman she was, the life she lived and what parts of my own being exist from her blood.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bruised Fruit

I'm a 33 year old gay man, just a year and a half out of a seven year relationship which started not long after I came out of the closet. So dating is a relatively new experience for me.
I've dated a handful of men. It's always so exciting and fun in the beginning; the mystery; the intrigue ... Then it quickly implodes, more often than not for the same awkward reasons.
Perhaps it's my open book personae that readily draws my love interests' personalities out so quickly. My openness was always a winning asset when I worked as a news reporter. Sources always revealed to me the heart of matters in question, whether the source was justified. I always loved and am still so motivated by a tag line from the '90s TV series The X-Files, "The truth is out there ..."
Sadly, out of the many men I've dated this past year or so, all of them have one thing in common. They're all bruised fruit. What do I mean by that? Well, they all have moderate to severe emotional hang ups when it comes to love and dating, primarily deep-rooted insecurities. One fellow I was seeing just prior to the holidays texted me after he hadn't heard from me for a day or so. He wanted me to let him know whether I just wasn't into him anymore.
At that point, we had only been seeing one another for a few weeks and the holidays were rapidly approaching. Like most, I happened to be very busy with both my personal and professional life during this time. His action raised big red flags. First off, if he had concerns about where things stood with us, wouldn't that merit more than a text message? Secondly, he didn't know me well enough to make a judgment call regarding my feelings for him relative to what was going on in my life. We had been in contact nearly every day, if not every other, so how much more reassurance did he need from me?
The average gay male deduction, "Oh, this guy is really needy. Next."
My deduction, "Wow, I guess he's really into me already and needs some reassurance to comfort his insecurities. Hmmm ... my feelings just aren't quite there yet as it has been such a short time. He's a great guy, but I'm just not sure he's my guy. I don't think I have the energy for this ..."

Either way, he proverbially "boiled the bunny." Bunny boiling, by the by, hales from the infamous '80s flick Fatal Attraction. My BFF Grace first casually introduced this into our colloquial vocabulary about dating just a few weeks ago. Just tonight she inspired me to blog about emotionally bruised gay men, so I have to give her props for the title as well. Thanks, hon! Oh, so boiling the bunny, to us anyway, just means the love interest just revealed enough information about their incompatibility. It can also mean the love interest is over the top in terms of how they express themselves, their emotions and feelings.
Gay adult men seem to, by in large, have many hang ups. Issues around weak sense of self, self loathing and general insecurities are all at the top of the list. Sure, we all have our insecurities, but they seem to be magnified many times over with gay males for a myriad of reasons.
Foremost, the LGBT community has little if any love and relationship role models. LGBT parents are the minority and the mainstream media hasn't permitted us seeing ourselves in healthy, loving relationships until just recently.
Many in our LGBT community have been either emotionally or sexually abused. Many of us have serious familial issues, primarily relating to being ostracized by those closest to us; our parents, siblings, etc. As a result we have a very disproportionate number of people in our community who suffer from mental health issues. Sad, but true.
Being in the trenches of dating, hey all is fair in love and war, I've heard the same stories from numerous gay men over and over again.
"We were really into each other for about a month or so, and then he just disappeared"
"It seems like guys always know how to tell me what I want to hear, so then I really start putting effort into making things work and then it just fades away ..."
I could go on with similar quotes, but I've more to say on this subject. Our early LGBT equality movement seemed to revolve around coercing society to accept our sexuality and sexual habits. Especially after the free lovin' '60s into the late '70s, it was all about three things; sex, sex, sex. Then came the '80s and along with it the "gay cancer" a.k.a. AIDS. Sex became mortally wrong and the movement changed course with a more wholesome focus on family values. The gay '90s made it seem cool to be queer.
Today, we live in a more obscure and disjointed world. As much as it connects us on various levels, technology has also literally ripped our social fabric to shreds, making it seem near impossible for people in our brave new world to feel any genuine sense of community. We are all so physically isolated from one another now. Everyone expects everything to happen overnight, even when it comes to love and relationships. Everyone expects people to show up practically made to order. Match.com is a veritable human catalog with people just thumbing through page after page of profiles until they think they've found Mr. or Ms. right.
The very concept of dating is very bizarre to me. Two perfect strangers, who nary know a thing about one another, sharing aspects of their lives in a romantic setting (usually, not always) with the unspoken hope that perhaps, just maybe, he or she is "the one."
I do believe there is a lid for every pot, but is there just the one? Could there be many that would be suitable? I personally believe so. I'm not talking about polygamy or promiscuity, but rather about there being many different people who could be our soul mate.
Then there is the more popularized belief that we, like penguins, mate for life. Well, perhaps that is ideal, to find the one person you can just grow old with. Lord knows that's been my ideal since I was a child, but that certainly hasn't been my reality.
Once I had a bit of an encounter with a man, who afterward told me he was partnered and in an open relationship. Apparently his partner had major surgery of some kind, is older and is rarely able to copulate. I asked this man whether he was happy in this relationship. He said he loves his partner very much, but the relationship isn't all that fulfilling, and not just because of their lack of intimacy. He said he is Catholic, therefore he made a commitment to his partner for life.
You know, that is a very admirable idea. However, why would a gay man, whose very faith is called into question by the Catholic church, choose to adhere to this ideology? Not to mention, most importantly, why should anyone compromise their happiness if a relationship ceases to serve its useful purpose?
Oh, the woes of dating, especially gay men. Here are a few tips on dating, so listen up, especially you fags:
#1 Be genuine, open and honest. Don't play games. It's OK to be a bit of a challenge, but don't let it get out of hand and don't be deceitful or duplicitous. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be clear and direct but tactful. All healthy relationships, whether platonic or otherwise, are founded on trust. This is my number one because it is an absolute non-negotiable and potential deal breaker.
#2 Always give the benefit of the doubt until you have enough information to make educated decisions about how a person's M.O. (method of operation) is going to jive with yours.
#3 Put your best foot forward. Life rewards action, and you never know exactly whether this might be "the one," so put some fuckin' effort into it.
#4 Be realistic. Keep in mind people do what they want to do. So if someone isn't calling you or making a real effort to see you, you're probably not top of mind. There may be a good reason for this, or he may just not be that into you. Besides, chemistry either exists or it doesn't completely separate from the two individuals it concerns. You're probably tired of hearing this slang phrase, but it is what it is.
#5 Be loving. Love begets love. This is a classic example of the law of attraction. Like attracts like. Similar attracts similar. That doesn't mean a blond will attract a blond, but rather someone of a certain mindset and emotional state will generally attract similar or repel opposite.
#6 Ask for what you want and don't settle for less than what you deserve. Don't operate based on fears. Who cares if you get rejected. He probably snores, has IBS or boils bunnies anyway.
#7 Have fun! If it's too much work at the beginning it's likely not going to work out. Then again, see tip #3 and then listen to Kenny Rogers "The Gambler." You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em ...
#8 The feelings you spare out there may be your own. Be kind, compassionate, upstanding and understanding.
#9 Be ready for love. I can't stress enough how important this is. I fell madly in love with a man who had an extreme amount of emotional baggage and mental health issues to deal with. We had to end our romantic relationship so he could heal. I was devastated. So please don't put yourself out there unless you're healthy enough to be out there. Refer to the previous tip #8.
#10 Listen to the other person as well as to your gut instinct. After a while you'll quickly learn to identify what works for you and what doesn't. Then act accordingly.
Bottom line is, in every relationship (platonic or not) we work our own shit out on one another. We test the water, push boundaries and set limits. It's only human, especially to err. It's the process of discovering how compatible you are with another person for the long term that is truly an adventure. Sometimes, even after years and years of being with someone, you don't truly know them until certain situations of pomp and circumstance come to pass, bringing the person's true colors vibrantly to the surface.
Just like the X-Files tag, love is out there. I've experienced quite a lot of it in one form or another. Perhaps someday soon it will find me again. In the meantime, I'm going to rub some arnica on all my tender spots ...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Super Skanks

What do these two bimbos have in common? Blonde hair, loose vaginas, cheap gray sweatshirts from American Apparel and equally bad taste in lifestyle habits. You go, gurls! Lord have mercy, Jesus wept on these two ...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The ironic LGBT equality crusade

The court's majority opinion on marriage equality gave Washington's LGBT citizens the big middle finger, passing the proverbial gay hot potato back over to the state legislature to decide. Um, hello, the legislature has been embroiled with this battle for like the last 30 years, mmmkay. Not to mention, it's the court's duty to overrule any archaic and unconstitutional laws, like the state's Defense of Marriage Act, the state legislature illegally ratified in the first place. Let me share with you Section 12 from the state's constitution. It goes a little something like this:
"No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens, or corporations."
Worse yet, the court's majority opinion asserted protecting procreation as the primary justification for its decision to not overturn DOMA. The legal implications of this ripple far beyond marriage equality into the realm of same gender families and adoption, turning the clock of the LGBT equality movement back 50+ years.
You know, there are some pretty great things about being a gay man. Foremost, gay men don't have to worry about reproductive issues. We don't have to worry about feminine hygiene issues, thank goodness (though many gay men purport to have periods). Best of all, by in large, we generally have a savvy sense of style, home decore and culinary creativity (or mechanical ability if you're a lesbian).
On a serious note, I think most LGBT people have done quite a bit more soul searching than the average person finding themselves in a culture and society that still struggles to accept our kind as full human citizens. Oddly enough, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the late 1800's corporations have all the same rights as living, breathing American citizens. Really, this is absolutely true. Scary, isn't it. Well, on the other hand, I wonder whether that means one can legally wed another person of the same gender so long as the two individuals incorporate. Hmmm ... some couple ought to try that out sometime. Sounds kinky ...
Interestingly enough, Washington's hetero couples are granted 460-some-odd rights with marriage and nearly three times that number of rights with federal marriage laws. In 2007, Washington's same-gender couples managed to procure 12 of those rights with the passage of the state's domestic partnership law. Oh, and LGBT Washingtonians also became a protected class when we were added to the state's anti-discrimination laws in 2006. In our state it has taken about 30 years for us to get somewhere. Hey, better late than never.
My dear friend Grace said it best, "You know, it's actually quite liberating being gay because you have so many choices being made for you and a lot less to lose." In all seriousness, we still have so much yet to gain. Um, I think we're still short some 1,450 rights our hetero counterparts enjoy taking for granted everyday. My God, hetero Hollywood celebs marry and divorce as if they're passing notes around to one another in junior high, mostly in the name of raising a few eyebrows and headlines. Some celebs only enjoy their full federal and state marraige rights for a few days or even a few hours before getting divorced. Well, I guess they're just rigorously exercising their rights as full human citizens under the law.
So are we gays really setting a poor example of family and American values, juxtaposed to the so-called "moral majority," becuase I'm a bit fuzzy on that as of late. After all, we are only human, or at least most of us are anyway ...
p.s. I don't think any of my dirty tricks would be keen enough to know where to begin to destroy civilization. White, heterosexual males, on the other hand, have created all kinds of ways to destroy civilization: nuclear weapons, mutant viruses, trying to match plaids and stripes, etc.
Shop Talk

One of our trusty stops was to Nordstrom's flagship store downtown. Admittedly we initially ventured in to see whether the beau hunk, who flirted with me to no end when he rang up the fantastic shirt I purchased for that hoedown party several weeks ago, was on the job. Unfortunately he wasn't, but Snow and I had just as much fun on the main level playing with all the jewelry and accessories.
A favorite section of the store is the extensive sunglasses area. Walls of small cubbies backed with mirrored glass featuring the latest in primairly women's or unisex designer sunshades for the eyes.
Snow picked me out an obnoxious pair of oversize, black and jewel encrusted D&G's to try on, and said. "These are the kind Britney Spears wears," as I was placing them on my face in the mirror.
"Um, these look like shit, but doesn't that just figure if Britney is into such garrish accessories from this particular designer," I replied. "If Britney is wearing these, no one in their right mind is going to buy them. Bad move for Dolce & Gabanna having such a garbage person as a poster child for their brand."
As I was making these remarks I hadn't noticed the slender (gaunt) older sales woman (probably around 60ish) who turned the corner sharply, with her gray hair pulled back tight, head to toe in conservative black with matching black high heel boots. She leered sharply at Snow and I.
We were just walking away, and inside I felt a slight burning about how passive aggressively rude this woman came across in the sneering look she flashed our way. So, I turned back around to her and gave her one of my favorite lines from AbFab.

"You can drop the attitude, you only work in a shop," I recited. Then we continued on our way out of her accessory domaine. Rude. Totally un-Nordstromlike.
Was the sales woman upset because we were fondling her $300 - $400 accessories or was she upset about the comments we made about Britney? Either way, she's not commissioned to have a dissenting opinion as much as she was hired for the primary purpose of serving habitual shoppers like Snow and I. I mean really, we were just having a little fun. Isn't that what shopping is all about?! Bitch ...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Be Mine (4 the Moment)
Monday, February 11, 2008
My life's greatest disappointment ...

I'd see those '80s TV commercials with the little white girl and the little black girl putting yellow cakes and brownies into their orange Easy Bake. They'd watch lovingly and longingly through the little window as the batter rose backlit by the special lightbulb, which doubles as the oven's heating element. They'd lick their lucky lips in anticipation of taking their hot cakes out of their fantastic little oven to ice them. Fucking bitches!
No, I never got my Easy Bake Oven. While my parents didn't mind that I played with my girlfriend Tara's Barbies, they wouldn't get me one of these damn ovens. Sexists, I tell you - raving, bigoted sexists ...
Look at how much fun that little blonde bimbo on the box in the above photo is having with her Easy Bake Oven. It's not fair!!!
Well, my girlfriend Grace has hinted that I may one day yet receive my prize. We'll see ...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
In Loving Memory of Tido | 02/07/05 - 09/18/07

To know Tido was to love and adore him. He had quite the personality with an incredibly humorous disposition and was so completely loving. I suppose the majority of animals love unconditionally, which is why it's so easy for us human folk to fall for 'em.
It was also our special bond that made him what I loved most in and about this world. How could I help myself? I picked him out, raised him, took him out at first light, nurtured, played with, loved and disciplined him. He was my pal, my special little guy, and he had my adoring attention every single day except during the last part of his tragically short lived life.
I lost my baby twice in one year. The first time was when I left my partner of seven years, allowing him full custody. The second time was when Tido left this world the morning of September 18, 2007. I like to believe his soul was too great for his earthly body to contain.
At the very least, I am comforted by the thought Tido is released from earthly pains or irritations and his spirit lives on with profound joy, which is what he brought in abundance to everyone who was ever fortunate enough to have crossed his path in this life.
I am sorry I wasn't there for you. Rest in peace, my dear sweet, loveable Tido. My faithful companion, you are sorely and profoundly missed ...
Happy Chinese New Year

The Eastern zodiac sign horoscope system is one of the oldest in the world of astrology. The origin of Chinese astrology dates back to the era of the Shang Dynasty.
Rats mark the commencement of the cycle of 12 Chinese zodiacs and thus are associated with enterprising and aggressive qualities. To start with listing the traits of a Rat, it is important to first know what this animal image stands for in Chinese philosophy.
Rat has strong associations with material success such as wealth and other luxuries of life. It is their aggression, charm, hard work, discipline and passionate nature that gives an edge to their persona in comparison to others. There are good chances of Rats being wealthy and professionally successful in their lives. They are quick, energetic and mold themselves easily according to the situation, which makes them excellent problem solvers too. Unlike most of other zodiac signs, Rats believe in having a handful of friends, but they share a special bonding with all of them.
When it comes to competition, nobody can be as manipulative as they are. They are tactful and can go to great extents to win a battle. Yet honesty and unprejudiced attitude is something others need to learn from Rats. A heavy karma chakra may lead to inner conflicts. It is likely for them to indulge in speculation and other adventurous tasks in order to give an outlet to their emotions. If this kind of an outlet is not available, they might turn to self-destruction. The best spiritual message Chinese sages give to Rats is to observe self-control and be considerate while dealing with people around them. Their dynamism can be accessed with the diversity of professions they can choose. On one hand they can lend a perfection to works of art in literature, on the other hand they can also be excellent detectives, accountants, engineers and pathologists. Law and politics are some other areas they can try their hands on.
Hope this year of Rats 2008 becomes the harbinger of health, wealth and good fortune for all of us.
Meadow yesterday, street today ...
This afternoon I was driving between Eastside client appointments. I had to pull off the freeway in my hometown to fax a contract change to a client out-of-state. I drove down the main boulevard through town and spotted a copy/fax shop on an unfamiliar street corner. I looked up at the intersecting street sign hanging perfectly square on the gleaming, ornate new traffic light post. Searching my memory, I couldn't place the name of the street for the life of me, and don't recall there ever having been such a street at that location before. In fact, my car would never have sat idle at that spot before because it never used to be an intersection.
As I looked down this street that previously didn't exist, it was lined door-to-door with big box and large chain retailers, which would never have been in my hometown growing up. I looked back up at the surrounding and lushly forrested hillsides and mountains for some hints of recognition. They appeared the same, except with dozens more rooftops poking up out of the timberline.
When I finally reached my destination, the people wandering about this large chain store were from a myriad of cultures, many with thick and varying accents. I searched the place to no avail for a familiar face. It became blatantly obvious this was no longer my hometown. Now I remember where I was, a beautiful meadow once peacefully existed where this street and retail complex now sprawl ...
Well, I guess the good news is this dead meadow today enabled me to conveniently send my client his document via fax. Cool.

When I finally reached my destination, the people wandering about this large chain store were from a myriad of cultures, many with thick and varying accents. I searched the place to no avail for a familiar face. It became blatantly obvious this was no longer my hometown. Now I remember where I was, a beautiful meadow once peacefully existed where this street and retail complex now sprawl ...
Well, I guess the good news is this dead meadow today enabled me to conveniently send my client his document via fax. Cool.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fresh @ Pike Place: Romance

Well, suffice to say I was in great company today. This is going to sound a bit emotionally bruised of me, but it's very refreshing to spend time with someone who has something to say, is very sincere, genuine and expressive. He's also quite handsome, very bright and extremely kind too.
Spent several hours bumming around town with the aforementioned/described man today, meandering from South End to the I.D. to Pioneer Square and then finally to The Market for a bit of a culinary crusade. Apparently we both have a sweet tooth and a fondness of good comfort food (a blessing and a curse). I can just hear Grace's sarcastic voice in my head now, "He likes soup - you like soup!"
Anyway, after a couple decadent mini-cheesecakes, a dark chocolate cherry truffle and a few bites of delicious mac 'n' cheese (w/real handmade cheese), we made our way into the piroshki place. Yeh, a bit gluttonous, but decadently fun nonetheless. He ordered his favorite piroshki, we walked a step outside the front door of the shop, huddled in a small nook just off the sidewalk, and shared the hot, savory Russian pastry. Mmmm ... 

He happily stood with piroshki in one hand and the paper to rest it on in his other. He took the first bite and subsequently showered the front of his black button down shirt with piroshki crumbs.
Perhaps I should have just kept my trap shut, but I wouldn't let any of my friends walk around a crowded public market practically coated head to toe in pastry flakes. I couldn't help myself; he looked so cute though. The smile I felt inside erupted into a grin big on my face and I advised him I was going back in to get us some napkins. He surprised me a bit when he mildly gestured and informed me he had some napkins in his right pocket ...
I paused for a moment and turned back away from the door to the shop. Yeah, I accepted his subtle invitation to further invade his personal space, more specifically to intrude his pants pocket. Why wouldn't I?! Quicker than I realized, I had stepped closer into him and reached my hand down into his pocket. I rifled around a bit for the alleged napkins which I thought at first evaded my reach. I was a bit on auto pilot and finally came to my senses realizing the napkins were nowhere to be found. Our faces drew nearer, and I let him know I wasn't having any luck ... or was I?
The language I thought I was clearly speaking transformed from plain English into a dull mumble followed by the first of two sweet, fledgling kisses in the center of The Market in the heart of the city. It was one of the best surprises I've had all year.
Oh, then he tells me the napkins were actually in his left pocket as he pulled them out and held them up high as if to offer them into evidence. Apparently he had a free hand after all, and I have to admit it was the best piroshki I had ever had. I'll never think of piroshkis in quite the same way again.
I paused for a moment and turned back away from the door to the shop. Yeah, I accepted his subtle invitation to further invade his personal space, more specifically to intrude his pants pocket. Why wouldn't I?! Quicker than I realized, I had stepped closer into him and reached my hand down into his pocket. I rifled around a bit for the alleged napkins which I thought at first evaded my reach. I was a bit on auto pilot and finally came to my senses realizing the napkins were nowhere to be found. Our faces drew nearer, and I let him know I wasn't having any luck ... or was I?
The language I thought I was clearly speaking transformed from plain English into a dull mumble followed by the first of two sweet, fledgling kisses in the center of The Market in the heart of the city. It was one of the best surprises I've had all year.
Oh, then he tells me the napkins were actually in his left pocket as he pulled them out and held them up high as if to offer them into evidence. Apparently he had a free hand after all, and I have to admit it was the best piroshki I had ever had. I'll never think of piroshkis in quite the same way again.
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Snow and I used to work together along with Grace at a company that placed creatives within the new media industry. Well, I'm not quite sure if you can actually call what we did "work" per se. Snow used to joke about being my career hurdle. I'm sure I was equally her's, but we can take that streetwalk down memory lane another time ...
Something felt very different about tonight's gathering. For starters, at the last gathering of theirs I was very discontent with my life. I've experienced quite a bit of loss and gone through many changes over the past year and a half. To say my life has in any way settled down would be a horrible joke, about as funny as G.W. Bush being thought to possess an ounce of integrity.
Tonight was different. It was through the words of Flora, one of our wonderful neighbors, that I realized just how much of a family I had surrounding me in my former neighborhood. I had to walk away from all of them along with my dog Tido, my partner of seven years and my beautiful view home in the woods. Walking away from a life is difficult, especially one that was so warm, familiar and as comfortable as mine was.
The beautiful thing about tonight is that I finally, after not one but two back-to-back failed relationships, the loss of my home and my dearly beloved dog, I finally feel like my whole self again. I finally feel like I can be at a social gathering of wonderful people, like the one I so thoroughly enjoyed tonight, and really connect and contribute. In return, I experienced such an incredible amount of love, joy and belonging.
It's rare, especially in these high tech times, that one can find a sense of community at all. Despite having walked away from a life I worked so hard to build and achieve, it is still with me. My dear neighbors, who are way more like a family than a community, have reminded me that home truly is where the heart is, and my heart is still there with all of them.

Anyone who thinks it's easier to say no vs. yes in this life is dead wrong. I had been saying yes to a life I was comfortable and happy with to a point, but in a very fundamental way also very miserable with. Saying no to it was the single most challenging decision I've ever made in my life. I tore off and broke painstakingly free from the shackles that bound me away from life's complete happiness, then subsequently ran the gauntlet. Here I am, 1.5 years later, nearly full circle and a whole lot wiser to say the very least.
This is my rebuilding year and a new period of expansion for my life. I plan to break ground for the construction of a new home on my Beacon Hill property by year end, and rejoin the family I had to physically wander away from to sort things out with a particular piece of my life so I could be happy and fulfilled. Guess it's all part of the process of personal growth and evolution. Sometimes one has to take a big step backward to make two leaps forward. My mama never said life would be easy or fair ...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Bringing Visiting Back
Some time ago, Grace began interjecting the term "visit" into our conversations as a way to express social behavior that isn't quite in line with the actual definition of visiting, but somewhat harks back to days woebegone. Oddly enough, Grace and I didn't become BFFs until long after she moved away to SF, so we do all kinds of visiting.
Anyway, the type of visiting she intended is somewhat of a lost artform. It's the kind of visiting one would consider doing at tea time with their lovely and well refined grandmother. You know, the kind of visiting you do when you just sit and visit with someone, well poised at the edge of your seat, legs held closely together and your knees nearly touching one another's. You sit there facing one another at an open angle with your hands placed femininely upon the tops of your legs. You gaze fondly at one another as you enjoy another sip of an exotic tea from the Far East. You smile and perhaps toss back and forth some light, gay banter.
Oh it's the simple pleasures we lack in this complicated 24/7 on demand world of ours. Take a moment to enjoy the company of someone you admire and just visit with them for a while, like First Lady Nancy Regan and Princess Diana of Wales are doing in this photograph:

CAPTION: Notice our dearly departed Diana really knew the proper way to visit with someone. She was a dignitary in every sense of the word. Unfortunately our beloved Nancy really didn't represent the United States of America very well to the rest of the world when it came to visiting. Look at her slouching forward, hands all disheveled, legs folding every which way. Osteoperosis or not, she's a mess!
Here's an even greater challenge. Try just dropping in on a close friend spontaneously sometime, just to visit for a while. Does anyone drop in on anyone else anymore these days? Time is precious, but not when you're unable to spend quality time with those who mean the most to you in your life.
Anyway, the type of visiting she intended is somewhat of a lost artform. It's the kind of visiting one would consider doing at tea time with their lovely and well refined grandmother. You know, the kind of visiting you do when you just sit and visit with someone, well poised at the edge of your seat, legs held closely together and your knees nearly touching one another's. You sit there facing one another at an open angle with your hands placed femininely upon the tops of your legs. You gaze fondly at one another as you enjoy another sip of an exotic tea from the Far East. You smile and perhaps toss back and forth some light, gay banter.
Oh it's the simple pleasures we lack in this complicated 24/7 on demand world of ours. Take a moment to enjoy the company of someone you admire and just visit with them for a while, like First Lady Nancy Regan and Princess Diana of Wales are doing in this photograph:

CAPTION: Notice our dearly departed Diana really knew the proper way to visit with someone. She was a dignitary in every sense of the word. Unfortunately our beloved Nancy really didn't represent the United States of America very well to the rest of the world when it came to visiting. Look at her slouching forward, hands all disheveled, legs folding every which way. Osteoperosis or not, she's a mess!
Here's an even greater challenge. Try just dropping in on a close friend spontaneously sometime, just to visit for a while. Does anyone drop in on anyone else anymore these days? Time is precious, but not when you're unable to spend quality time with those who mean the most to you in your life.
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