To know Tido was to love and adore him. He had quite the personality with an incredibly humorous disposition and was so completely loving. I suppose the majority of animals love unconditionally, which is why it's so easy for us human folk to fall for 'em.
It was also our special bond that made him what I loved most in and about this world. How could I help myself? I picked him out, raised him, took him out at first light, nurtured, played with, loved and disciplined him. He was my pal, my special little guy, and he had my adoring attention every single day except during the last part of his tragically short lived life.
I lost my baby twice in one year. The first time was when I left my partner of seven years, allowing him full custody. The second time was when Tido left this world the morning of September 18, 2007. I like to believe his soul was too great for his earthly body to contain.
At the very least, I am comforted by the thought Tido is released from earthly pains or irritations and his spirit lives on with profound joy, which is what he brought in abundance to everyone who was ever fortunate enough to have crossed his path in this life.
I am sorry I wasn't there for you. Rest in peace, my dear sweet, loveable Tido. My faithful companion, you are sorely and profoundly missed ...
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