Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Nude Neighbors

My apartment faces directly into the living room of the Canadian breeder couple who live in the building across the street. I'm deducting their national origin based on the oversized flag they have displayed on a post in their living room. They moved in a few months ago, and have a tendency to rearrange their furniture on a weekly basis. They also have a tendency to walk around bare ass naked with their window coverings pulled wide open.

Between their living room and bedroom windows is a smaller window into the alcove that houses their shitter. My kitchen window looks directly into it. On the thankfully rare occasion, I've been washing dishes only to look up and see the guy wiping his butt. The odd thing about it, in addition to him doing so shamlessly in an open window that directly faces my 100+ unit building, is that he stands up to wipe while watching himself do so. Yeah, it's gross.

However, I will say the guy is otherwise physically attractive. Tall, lean, muscular, beautiful skin. He also has a HUGE dick. Once he was standing, smoking a cigarette in the buff right at their living room window on a bright, sunny weekend morning. His member was taking an elongated bow while he sure seemed to be standing proud. I can only imagine he was having a post fuck smoke.

Yes, I have also seen them fuck, but nothing quite prepared me for what I witnessed this morning. The guy was going down on his woman like he had just returned home from Auschwitz and hadn't eaten a scrap of food in weeks and months. At first I thought he was just on his knees with his head in her lap while she was sitting up on their living room futon. No, it couldn't have been that innocent, not with them. They were moving and grooving almost violently. I thought at one point she was going to unbirth him and her voracious vagina was going to swallow him up whole.

"Nah, don't bother drawing your shades. The whole neighborhood just loves watching you pig out in your woman's trough."

Straight nasty. Rude.

So that's how my morning started. Then I attended to a suit and tie business affair at an office tower a few streets down the hill from me. This was a most welcome change of scenery.

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