Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Are We Fuk'd Update

Richard returned to Shi Shi Beach last Thursday, equipped with my Geiger counter and his video camera. While he found no detectable levels of radiation, his overall findings cannot completely dismiss Fukushima fallout adversely affecting our local ecology. Here's a link to this post for deeper insight:

From the time we can comprehend our modern world, we're taught we're separate from one another and from the Earth. Therefore it stands to reason why we fail to comprehend the extent of our impact on each other and our planet.

While a chaos theory such a the butterfly effect may have yet to be proven fact, most of us are aware even small actions can have dire consequences. We would all be terribly remiss to not acknowledge Fukushima has released something harmful into our environment. Whether it's a little or a lot is moot.

All nuclear operations, whether for civilian or "defense" purposes, produce an extremely harmful byproduct; highly concentrated radioactive toxins. After seven decades of nuclear weapon and electric production, humanity still has yet to develop a way to neutralize toxic waste. To forge ahead with nuclear anything without a way to render the hazardous byproduct as harmless is just grossly negligent and criminally irresponsible.

I want to say confidently we deserve better. I can say confidently our world deserves better than us, to be infected by humans, a highly destructive specie. If our Earth seems angry at times, it's with good reason. Be assured the world is not against humanity so much as we are against ourselves and the world if our specie continues on our present course.

Our very first step is to wake up, collectively, and realize we have serious problems. Then, and only then, will we be able better ourselves. Earth, like the human body, was formed with a seemingly magical ability to heal itself. If we haven't already adversely impacted the planet's ecology past its point of no return, we can take measures to allow our world to heal itself. This begins with each of us, our willingness to honestly see our mistakes without judgment and fix what we've broken. Let us not be defined by our problems, only by how we overcome them.

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