Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Initial Update on Mom Jul. 30

Foremost, thank you all so very much for your kind words of support and encouragement you’ve shared with mom. This means the world to her.

As I’m sure you can well imagine, mom’s recent diagnosis is a lot for her to work through. While she is thrilled to have so much outpouring of love and affection, which is of great importance, having to share the same information repeatedly with so many people is more than she wants to continue managing for the time being. Also, an unintended consequence of having so many people reach out all at once is a little overwhelming to her as well as giving her the sense that everyone thinks the worst (despite how far from the truth this may be).

For the time being, I will provide you with regular updates on behalf of mom. Additionally, please make me your point person for anything you would like to relay to her as well as any questions you may have moving forward. Al would really appreciate your support, too. This has been, most understandably, very difficult for him as well.

If you would like to send mom and/or Al a hand written card or letter, please only share positive words of encouragement, happy memories, etc. vs. anything that could be construed as sorrowful. You can mail your correspondence to:
Patty & Al
c/o B Davis
Normandy Park, WA

I drove out on Monday to pick up mom and Al, and brought them back to Seattle on Tuesday. For the time being they are staying with their closest friends Sally and Robin Rosauer in Sammamish.

Mom looks great! She’s leaner than I’d like to see her. In spite of her very grim oncology prognosis last Friday, mom has made up her mind she’s disallowing anyone to tell her when it’s her time. Her emotional outlook is favorable, and her mindset facing this is of greatest importance. She is being much stronger than I anticipated. I am convinced if she believes she can heal and recover, her chances for remission are exponentially increased. So too in our minds is it important to have this same belief and hold the most favorable hope of her recovery in our hearts.

I’ve attached a photo I took of mom and Al in front of their Coeur d’Alene home just before we took to the road Tuesday. I am well beyond wistful each time I think on this moment. Amid all the uncertainty, it is certain their lives are forever changed. We all walk bravely into this next chapter, which I am optimistic could possibly be a new lease on life for mom.

Our next step is getting a second opinion. We have a 10:00 a.m. appointment Monday with the head of oncology at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Suffice to say we will be in the best possible hands of anyone with a specialty in this field of practice anywhere in the world. This has positively helped brighten mom’s outlook.

Please anticipate another update following our meeting on Monday. In the meantime, thank you in advance for your positive thoughts and prayers. I’ll look forward to communicating with you as mom’s liaison during this intensely challenging time for us all.

Most sincerely and humbly yours,

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