Monday, September 22, 2014

Update on Mom Sept. 22

Hello, All,

Hope this message finds you well.

My mom and Al returned to Coeur d’Alene Sept. 8. Since returning it seems mom has been struggling with nausea and hasn’t been in as close contact. I’m concerned about her nutritional intake as well that she may, understandably, also be struggling with depression. Mom says she feels best in the mornings, so her doctor has advised her to eat well and exercise during that time or anytime she’s feeling OK. The first part of the day is the most opportune time to connect with her.

Our next oncology appointment is October 7 at SCCA. I anticipate being able to let you know whether the cancer is shrinking as a result of the treatment regimen she’s on. In the meantime, thank you once again for your healing thoughts and prayers.

All the best,


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