Monday, November 17, 2014

Update on Mom Nov. 17th

Hello, All,

Mom had a check-up with her oncologist Dr. Martins today on the heels of new CT scans. There is no growth and no spread of the cancer. In other words, mom is stable; smooth seas.

Would it be better if the cancer retreated/decreased? Maybe. Dr. Martins cited cases where patients saw rapid regression of the cancer only to have it rigorously grow back a short while later. Further her oncologist explained he wants to get as much mileage as possible out of her current treatment course before resorting to alternatives. Of the patient cases with my mom’s cancer type, 50 percent have a secondary mutation, which would make them eligible for a clinical trial of a new generation pill. This pill has proven to be extremely effective, and is only a secondary option.

The same message has been consistent the past three visits. So long as mom is feeling better and able to do more, the treatment is effective. Dr. Martins often remarks he treats patients, not CT scans. Mom is able to eat better and her physicality is improving. She met with a nutritionist today after her appointment, and they sent her home with some great and very simple recommendations such that she can easily be cause in the matter of further supporting her own wellness through good eating habits.

Next week mom will be coming to stay with Terry and I for the time being. We are putting her Coeur D’Alene home on the market this week and are searching for another place for her around Greater Puget Sound. If you wish to write to her, again our address is:

Mom’s next oncology appointment is one month out followed by another CT scan two months out.

All my best,

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