Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day Four

As soon as I got into bed I had really itchy and watery eyes. Not typical. Awoke at 2:00 a.m. as the skin on my legs was crawling. I'd broken a sweat and yet felt a chill. Earlier in the night I awoke as I either dreamed or was actually having difficulty breathing. I was having difficulty swallowing. The chill increased to the point of shivering.

I'm expected to have quite a bit of die off in my system. When these organisms are dying off, they release waste and increase my blood toxicity. I drink plenty of water, which is about all I drink, so that helps flush the toxins out.

I wondered whether I should have taken an Epsom salt bath. Of course I had awoken my husband, not on purpose. He wanted to know what was going on. So I explained my symptoms to him. He seemed to think it was reflux. Maybe.

After slowly nursing a glass of water and sucking on a vitamin C tablet, I was starting to feel better. I laid back down, and though it took quite a while, I was able to fall back to sleep.

My husband and I awoke around 7:45 a.m. I had fasted 12 hours for more lab work, which required a 20 or so minute drive across town to Valley Medical. Last week I had a draw and they used more than two dozen vials. Mind you they did not fill them all the way full. Even so, they really drained me, and on my way back home I felt really depleted. I felt uneasy about driving. So I asked my husband to take me, which he did.

We get to the lab and I'm told they no longer draw non-clinic patients at that location. Then they sent me into downtown Renton. On our way we crawled through side streets to avoid heavy freeway traffic and then noticed an overturned Honda on 405. Glad we didn't take the freeway and even more grateful we weren't having that kind of a morning.

The lab took forever for four vials. First they had me sign in and wait. They said they had someone back in the lab, but I don't think they did. They needed to register me, even though I've had draws from that lab co. before. In addition to completing paperwork, furnishing insurance card and placing a credit card on file, they couldn't figure out a couple of the lab test codes. So they phoned my doctor. Thankfully they got through and received clarifications successfully. Then they had to clarify their internal codes by calling someone else who works for the same lab co. The draw took about five minutes, but all the bureaucratic bullshit took a good 20 or so minutes. Meanwhile, my husband is now officially late for work.

The longer I'm fasting, the lower my energy falls prior to breakfast. The delay cost at least an hour. By the time we got home I felt depleted, not as much as the other day when the lab took a ridiculous number of vials of blood.

Today has mostly been OK overall. Except for being lower energy than normal, and having oddly timed bowel movements (2:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.), things seem to be going alright. My breathing seems better. When I'm unaware of it, I consider that to be really good.

I took on cleaning out our refrigerator. It was disgusting. Really. A pretty big job. There was black mold growing in it. I've had section eight tenants who left refrigerators in better condition. Ours is a pretty nice one, too. My project took on a life of its own. I am pleased to say I was successful. The interior now looks brand-spanking-new. After I finished this project, I was pretty tired. So I listened to some energy work teachings on the sofa, and eventually took a bit of a cat nap with our dog Millie.

I had also done some general cleaning in the kitchen after the refrigerator project. Counters, floors, etc. I took out compost. Got the mail, brought the yard waste and garbage bins back in from the curb. I also returned a pair of shears to the shed and locked it. Each time I did a chore I had to sit and rest for a short spell.

My husband is concerned about my tiredness. I'm more concerned about fatigue, which I experienced yesterday morning. I'm imagining with all the substances going to work on my body, I would be expected to be tired at this point. I agreed to check in with my prescribing doctor in the morning to check in on whether what I'm experiencing is to be expected. I'm imagining so.

We heal ourselves ...

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