Just then I noticed a very obese man walking along the lake shore, so I used him as an example. I explained to Lily that ducks naturally find food in the wild and if people fed them they would get too fat. Then I pointed to the obese man and declared that someone had overfed him. Snow chuckled beneath her breath and smiled, well knowing my initial explanation sufficed.
This later brought Snow and I to the topic of obesity. She said she had heard of groups that fight for the equal treatment of obese people. What the fuck?!
While people are born with baby fat, people aren't necessarily born to be obese. Being morbidly fat is a choice. People have control over diet and exercise which has a direct correlation to body fat.
The common complaints obese people have range from being discriminated against in the workplace to being charged for two seats on an airplane. OK, I've been squeezed in next to a mildly obese person on an airplane, and there is nothing more miserable. I'm sorry, but if a person can't fit in just one seat, they should have to pay for two. Space is real estate and real estate costs money. Maybe that will help inspire obese folk to curb calories and take in a little activity.
In fact, Snow recently heard Disneyland is retrofitting the park's 'Small World' ride to accommodate fuller figured humans. Perhaps they ought to change the name to 'It's a Fat World.'
Curiosity further drove me to search the web to see what organizations exist to enable obesity. Top of the list on Google is the Council on Size & Weight Discrimination. What a wide load of crap! There's even a blog about this subject simply called Big Fat Blog.
While I think it's highly inappropriate for anyone to discriminate against and judge anyone else, I don't agree with special treatment of people who make unhealthy lifestyle choices.
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