Eric is a classic five element acupuncturist. He incorporates a Daoist approach to treating his patients. Simply put, he doesn't treat the individual patient as much as he treats his own reaction to the patient and where they're at physically, emotionally and spiritually in the present. The Daoists believe everything is one. For example, you the reader are the same as the screen on which you are reading this text.
Scientifically speaking, everything in the universe is composed of the same basic building blocks of matter and energy. In classic five practice, that would translate to elements. I digress ...
Upon further reflection around my last entry, this is a very difficult time of year for most Seattleites and Western Washingtonians. The days are short and the sun is often drown out by clouds. The ancients who originally called the winter season as "the dark night of the soul" created many festivals involving light, which still rings true today. The ancient Chinese believe spring starts in early February, hence why they based their New Years celebration during this time. I think most would aggree spring is an appropriate time of year for new beginnings.
A friend just advised me it is predicted by 2010 depression will become the second greatest reason worldwide for disability. For anyone who may be suffering from dipression and lonliness during this time of year, take in some light. Travel someplace where the sun shines. Take an evening stroll through the heart of the brighly lit city. Keep your home well lit in the early morning and/or the evening. Take in some light reading. Most important of all, connect with associates, friends and loved ones. As my friend pointed out, technology has moved us further away from not only ourselves, but also from each other in many ways. It's very important for us as people to remain connected with one another.
On February 7 we will pass from the dark night of the soul into a brand new year according to the ancient Chinese calendar, which shows the upcoming year as 4705 vs. 2008.
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