OMGYG = Oh my God, you guys!
Origin: Grace, San Francisco
TFS = Totally for sure! (also a way to further punctuate OMGYG)
Origin: Grace, San Francisco
BFF = Best friend forever
Origin: unknown
WTF = What the fuck
Origin: unknown, but I learned this one while working onsite at Microsoft
POS = Piece of shit
Origin: As much as I'd like to take credit for this one as I've organically used it to describe to clients product that is utterly worthless. I'm sure someone else has been saying it long before I have.
BFD = Big fucking deal
Origin: unknown
YMBS = You must be stopped!!!
Origin: Sarah, San Luis Obispo, CA (late 1990's)
TOOCRB (pronounced "T double-OCRB") = Totally out of control real bad.
Origin: Danielle, San Luis Obispo, CA (like back in the mid '90s)
CBATBB, G = (literal translation) Champagne brunch at the Black Bart, George (alternate meaning) Would you like to have breakfast?
Origin: J's uncle in Calaveras County, CA (like WAY before the mid '90s)
SBD = Silent, but deadly (a term generally applied when someone breaks wind without a sound)
Origin: Oh, who the hell knows, but I first heard the expression as a child in the early '80s.
TGIF = Thank God it's Friday (meaningless to someone like myself who often works weekends)
Origin: unknown, but Grace and I like to say it to one another just to be obnoxious because it's so fucking cheesy to say and actually mean it!
OMG - I almost forgot one of my most commonly used acronyms. TG my other BFF reminded me - TFS!
TTFN = Ta ta for now
Origin: unknown (though I recall this one as a quote from the movie Witchboard back in the '80s)
If you have a modern acronym you'd like to share, please by all means comment!
You forgot TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
origin: who knows, but your other gal pal, moi, uses it with you! Waant to?
OMG! I DID forget TTFN & TTYL. I must update immediately. Thanks for the catch, my dear ...
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