Not more than a few nights ago, hanging out of her second story apartment window (pictured above as the lowest window in the photo, which has somewhat of an orange glow to it), this mad woman - I assign that a dual meaning because she was obviously pissed off about something as well as she was just straight up nuts - screamed out her window to virtually no avail about what she perceived to be the evils of this world: people, money, corporations, and the list goes on. Hey, maybe she's not all that crazy. Perhaps she has a point in waging a personal war against the have/have not world we've created.
Nevertheless this fucking psycho bitch woke me up out of a deep sleep around 2:00 a.m. the other night. I'd about had it between the derelicts in the four rehab buildings across the street and the hipster bar at the end of the block. So I called 911 in hopes they would send someone out to shut this woman the fuck up!
Interestingly enough a friend of mine had an encounter with her the very next day. My friend happens to be a Seattle police officer, and he was called to the scene, responding to yet another complaint about this mad woman. Apparently she had gone off her psyciatric medication, as well as the proverbial deep end. This time she barricaded the front door of her unit, plugged up the sink and/or the bathtub and flooded the unit. The building owner was having the entire building rewired that day, so that whole microcosm of a world came to a grinding hault while Seattle police broke open the door to crazyville.
To give screamer bitch the benefit of the doubt, I suppose if most people really took a good hard look at the inner workings of our modern world, most would probably flip their lids too. Ignorance is bliss. That's not to say things can't change, but human nature isn't really something I'm all that proud of . Time and time again we ignore history, wage war against ourselves and destroy what we've worked so hard to achieve. We humans are in a constant tug-o-war with ourselves over ideology and resources. It's really quite shameful - there's plenty to go around. Further, if we weren't so damn wasteful, there would be even more of everything to go around for everyone. When will we as a species learn from our mistakes? Will we ever?
OK, that's enough of a rant for before 7:30 a.m. on a weekday morning. More later ...
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