Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You Can't Handle the Truth PART II

This question around the goal of Capitalism is a poignant one. Without a goal, aim or mission, there are no measurable results nor a course to chart. And pray tell what course would that be exactly? Does anyone know? Do you know? Here's what Wikipedia has on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism. The one criticism notated in this encyclopedic definition; unpredictability. Really, is that all?

The point Timothy Killian makes about Capitalism; it's purely socially and morally irresponsible to:
1) Have any public system without a measurable result
2) Have a system established in any way contrary to serving the best interests of the greater good

Capitalism as a whole is indifferent, focused on one primary outcome; profit.

Then there's good old fashioned Democracy. As Killian states, this political system is purported to be the best known to mankind. Really? What exactly is Democracy the best at doing?

What is humankind doing here on Earth? What's our greater purpose? To live behind a veil of lies and corruption? To absolve ourselves from the truth by winding ourselves up so tightly in popular culture that our lives are so meaningless no one cares anymore? To destroy one another and take the planet we're feeding on with it? Well if those aren't the reasons we as humankind are here, why in God's name are we acting like these are?

I just became aware of a new HBO television program called The Newsroom. The first episode starts with a political forum on a college campus. A young woman asks the question: "Why is America the greatest country in the world?"

The most quiet of the three panel speakers, a news anchor, who is pushed into giving an answer by the moderator, ends up going into a very articulate and well-informed rant. He basically says there is no evidence to suggest America is the greatest country in the world. Though he did say America is number one in the world for three things:
1) The number of our citizens incarcerated  per capita
2) The number of adults who believe in angels
3) Defense spending (more than the next 26 nations combined)

The full episode is available for streaming here: http://www.hbo.com/index.html#/the-newsroom/episodes/1/01-we-just-decided-to/video/full-episode.html/eNrjcmbOYM5nLlTPz0lxzEvMqSzJTA5ITE-1S8xN1SzLTEnNh4k65+eVpFaUcDIyskknlpbkF+QkVtqWFJWmsjGyMQIAUKwXOA==

Capitalism feeds on money. What is money? According to Wikipedia it's a system based on fiat money, nothing more than a government declaration on a note which must legally be accepted for all debts public and private. The intrinsic value of fiat money is zero, like trying to create something out of nothing. Certainly only God can accomplish such a task, thus likely why each U.S. monetary note reads the words, "In God We Trust." Well, one can certainly trust money as much as one can something that's completely fabricated and inauthentic.

"In God we trust" was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956 as an alternative or replacement to the unofficial motto of E pluribus unum, adopted when the Great Seal of the United States was created and adopted in 1782. E pluribus unum means out of or from many, one. What a novel idea; a collective or a collaboration. Certainly not the brand of unifying dogma our government and the powers that be feed us today. It's us vs. them; them against us. United we stand. Divide and conquer ...

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