Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Atomic Age & Devolution

My blog has a "this day in history" widget at the top, which automatically posts daily events of importance that have occurred on that day. Today is the anniversary of the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Japan: http://encyclopedia.tfd.com/Atomic+bombings+of+Hiroshima+and+Nagasaki

For all of our intelligence as mere mammals, our "advancements," our "achievements" are in so many ways devolved. We humans are reckless, selfish and ignorant creatures.

Here's what I find fascinating. The latest scientific research indicates primitive humans began eight million years ago. Then suddenly 50 thousand years ago, we humans mysteriously make a giant leap in our evolution. What changed?

Regardless of what changed, it is clear where we are headed. Man vs. man in the ultimate conflict over sustainability. Will it be survival of the fittest? Survival of the wealthiest? Or mass extinction?

I ran across this documentary while searching online for clues to humankind's sudden evolutionary advancement. Not like this is groundbreaking or even "news," it's just well done and gives pause for thought about our collective human fate: http://youtu.be/dN06tLRE4WE

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