Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gov. Jan Brewer: "I didn't realize bigotry was so expensive!"

Let's be absolutely clear. Jan Brewer and her cronies didn't fold like cheap suits over Arizona's anti-gay bill because it was the right thing to do. The conceded to the pressure of losing money. I'm glad to live in Washington where we expect our elected officials to at least have a conscience. I sure hope these poor, lost souls find their way to doing the right thing as soon as humanely possible. BTW, ever wonder what other important bills are being passed when something like this blows up in the media?

Today's civic lesson: What greedy, power-hungry, plundering opportunists love most is also their greatest weakness; money. God bless America.

p.s. Jan, you may also want to consider employing a gay stylist. That "look" is mildly offensive. If you're going to embarrass yourself and all Arizonans on national media, the very least you can do is look pulled together and classy about it. Even though you represent all that is broken and corrupt in our society, I still want to be supportive of you as a human being.

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