Friday, June 13, 2014

Some More Truth About the TEPCO Nuclear Disaster

For those truth seekers who are curious about what's going on in Japan post TEPCO nuclear power plant meltdown, visit the following URL and watch the video:

This is truly and utterly egregious. How TEPCO handled the journalist at its offices as well as at its disaster site is very telling. They clearly have an über effective PR person as this incident is known globally via corporate owned media as the Fukushima disaster, not the TEPCO disaster, which it truly is. Profit over all living beings, that's what unregulated capitalism is exclusively about. 

As for the long term impacts, only time will tell. It does appear bleak. We stole fire from the Gods we have no clue how to clean up after we use it. Humanity is but a mere infant with no business pretending to have any authority to use nuclear anything.

Yes, this preventable disaster incites me with anger, frustration and ultimately sadness. For me, it's important to remind myself that nothing lasts forever, and attachment to impermanence is a path to suffering. Also important to note, we can make changes. Our technology has advanced much faster than our mental and spiritual development as a species. Either we must catch up or consciously choose to wield only those things we have truly mastered.

If there is still a ruling class, and I believe there is throughout the developed and developing world, we must realize they likely want us to be afraid and to put our faith in someone else's hands. This has ultimately been our demise.  

The truth is we all have our own power. As long as we have hope and optimism, we have the power to move mountains. As humans, we will always have more in common than our perceived differences. As an individual person, each of us wields unlimited power and potential to foster positive changes in our world; even through the smallest of actions.

To rely on others to "save us" in this world has been a foolish notion since the dawn of our kind. We have the ability to cooperate to not just survive but to thrive, and not at the expense of other life on our planet either. May peace and harmony among ourselves and within the natural world prevail in our lifetime ...

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