Sunday, August 2, 2015

Artful Weekend

Today concluded both Seafair and Seattle's inaugural Art Fair weekend. My hubby and I skipped the former and indulged in the latter. We passed up the Out of Sight opening reception in favor of the Art Fair, which was the more commercial of the two. For one thing, we were gifted a couple of complimentary VIP passes.

We met a couple of our dear friends and toured the show with them. Such wonderful works. Some amazing resin pieces, including a couple out of this world sculptures, which were layered to look like a collective of a humanesque body. Here's an example:
Psychogeography 74 by Dustin Yellin. 2015, mixed media 72 x 27 x 15 inches, Winston Wächter Fine Art

We toured the Out of Sight show, which was a collective of local artists, inside the historic King Street Station. The venue was really authentic and old world. Though it was ill equipped to keep patrons cool on a 90+F degree summer evening. My husband and I toured the show on its second day. The turn out was minimal. The one notable attendee while we were there was Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who was holding court with about a half dozen people. We didn't make the effort to say hello.
The hollow interior of the upper floor of King Street Station, which had a recent and quite spectacular restoration.

The show had a few memorable pieces and was well balanced. I preferred the more refined works on display at the Art Fair.
I had also intended to check out the TK Artist Lofts' Art of the City Street Fest on Saturday. Alas my in-laws paid us a visit. So it was steak dinner at Jimmy Mac's followed by getting caught in a late night dominos loop playing chicken foot. Fun, yes. Even so, my long time friend Aron was DJing on the deck at TK from 6-10 pm that night. I'm certain it would have been a lively scene with even more art to explore. Damn. Next year for sure! 
Inspired by the artful weekend, I wrapped up my Sunday out on my back deck, playing with paint and a couple pieces I started two seasons ago. Mixed media of exterior laytex, acrylic, spray paint and metallic pen. It feels wonderful to create. There's no better elixir than laughter and creative expression.

The Blue Angels roaring by the Space Needle the afternoon of 8/2/15.

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