Monday, January 25, 2016

X-Files Re-Opened My Struggle

I fucking loved this new episode and am so excited about the reboot of X-Files!!

Browsing some of the Facebook posts about last night's premiere season 10 episode, the New York Times critic seems to think the story had problems, but it was great for nostalgia sake. OK, they're entitled to their opinion as I am to mine. Here goes ... I am not in the least bit surprised this episode failed to resonate with the old, and I mean antiquated, establishment rag such as the New York Times.

The overarching theme of the episode, and the new direction the show is exploring is around government mistrust and abuse.

For viewers, and especially die hard X-Files fans, I believe this theme resonates so well. Why? Because it feels like the truth, and its mechanics are well placed in our reality of present day. Multi-national companies profiting off the deliberate over consumption of resources, those claiming they are feeding the world when they are starving it and taking away humanity's most basic rights to clean air, water and food.

I thought it was really excellent the show went in this direction because of the profoundly dire and actual insights this holds. I'm actually a bit surprised the show was so bold. Let's face it, truth is often stranger than fiction. So is this all really that far fetched?

I can imagine the hidden powers that be, whether corporate/military industrial complex/government, would find this broadcast at the very least a little unsettling. People are becoming increasingly aware and intolerant of the insidious greed which plagues us all.

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