Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Update on Mom Oct. 28

Hello, All,

Hope this finds everyone well. More good news to report. Mom continues to feel really well. This is the best possible indication of how her treatment course is progressing. In fact, she had another follow-up scheduled with her oncologist this coming Thursday. He told her if she’s continuing to feel well she can cancel it, and he wouldn’t need to see her back until the middle of next month. I just spoke with mom this morning and she’s going to cancel. J

Additionally, I believe my mom is over the initial psychological challenge of processing her diagnosis as well as the physiological challenge of this current treatment regimen. She just gave the green light today for people to be in touch with her directly. Feel free to call and catch up with her, she’d love to hear from you. In case you need her number, it’s (208) 512-2468.

I’ll continue to provide medical updates via email as things develop because this info. is too cumbersome for my mom to repeatedly relay. Also want to make a couple of acknowledgements. The first being a HUGE thank you to Mike Crisp, Al’s son. He and his wife Lisa have been so helpful with errands, facilitating new medical coverage, assisting with the exploration of housing options and so much more.  Yes, my mom intends to stay in the Seattle area. I’ve also personally received kind words of support from a few people on this list in recent weeks. As the saying goes it takes a village; no one does it all on their own. Please know how grateful my mom and I are, truly, for this wonderful sense of community you’ve provided. I am absolutely honored to be my mom’s advocate.

Life’s most challenging situations reveal who a person really is. Admittedly in the beginning of this journey I had my doubts about how my mom would deal with the hand she’s been dealt. In recent weeks her strength, determination and resolve have been absolutely amazing, inspiring. My mom, Patty, has always been so special to us all. While our only certainty in this life is the breath we draw from moment to moment, I see in my mom someone who brilliantly illuminates life’s darkness by touching others with her enormous heart. How lucky I have been all my life to be so close to such greatness. How lucky we all are for having such a wonderful person in our lives.

All my best,

p.s. One other very important acknowledgement as my fingers have clicked far ahead of my mind … I had previously informed my mom has been staying, primarily, with her and Al’s dear friends the Rosauers while she’s been in the Seattle area. I have acknowledged them in person, and I also wanted this group to know how amazing they are for opening their home and their hearts to my mom during this difficult time. English has yet to invent a word to adequately describe the Rosauers’ generosity. Their love and support of my mom is miraculous. Gratitude is a mere drop in the bucket. Thank you beyond all measure …

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