Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day Two

Yesterday overall went well. The exception was some digestive discomfort/lump in throat/difficulty swallowing a couple hours following after the second half of my first course of treatment. I had also just eaten. About an hour after that my stomach knotted up a bit. It was tolerable.

Today I awoke feeling a bit more fatigued than yesterday, a bit anxious and irritable. The fatigue is not unusual. My blood pressure is good. My pulse is concerning as my resting rate has been above 100 BPM. I'm feeling a little flu like. I've been told to expect this as a possibility with all the die off occurring in my system. This increases the levels of blood toxicity.

My body is telling me to rest today. We have family visiting, and they are the kind of family you can be however around. So that is good. I had intended to be to a friend's birthday gathering this evening. At this point I think it best to continue laying low. I hope they will understand. A good friend once told me I need never apologize for taking care of my health. I know this to be true.

Even so, here I am recently posting about faded friendships, I'm sure some of which have been a direct result of not having the bandwidth I once had to maintain socially. My choice is to push my body when it's already taxed and suffer the consequences. Or support my wellness so I can heal. I consciously choose the latter and I have to be OK with it. We heal ourselves, and typically not without being cause in the matter.

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